This is a super easy recipe that makes itself. Just set the slowcooker and it will be done by the time you get home from work. Feel free to use your favourite shop brough Mexican topings if you are serving this as tacos. You can ofcourse sereve on top of rice, with potatoes or in a sandwich instead.
500g beef (brisket or joint) 3 garlic cloves 2 keffir lime leaves 1 cinnamon stick 1 star anise 6 shallots 6 while peppercorns 5 cans ginger beer 1 tsp salt Method:
Chuck everything in a slow cooker and let it do it's thing until the beef is tender and pulls apart easily- around 7 to 8 hours or longer.
Serve with tortillas, your favourite salsa, refried beans and slaw for a Mexican feast or another way as suggested in the intro.
Recipe for pot cooked beans and refried beans available here if you would like to make your own: